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5 Tips that you are buying Sterling Silver Jewelery
1. Look for the 925 Stamp
2. The coloring Test
3. The Magnet Test
4. Polish Test
5.The Ice Test
August 10, 2021
At The Shop'n Glow we are proud to sell high quality and durable jewelry. However, it is important to treat it with a little extra care to keep it looking as beautiful as the day you purchased it.
One of the best ways to keep sterling silver beautiful is to WEAR IT since the oils from your body have a cleaning effect, and thus prevent tarnishing.
July 23, 2021
I’ve been wanting to launch this section for some time now and I’m super excited to share with you more content about our brand, lifestyle, and tips that as mom I’ve found very useful. Please feel free to comment and I’d love to hear your thoughts on what themes you’ll like to read about -you can leave them below in our comment section- We will have special guests and lots of surprises for you.
July 23, 2021
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